Our clinical courses provide the skills and knowledge to enable your staff to deliver patient care. Supporting health and social care providers, our courses cover a diverse range of topics, including Clinical Supervision, Wound Management, Dementia, ECG and more.
We’re proud of the high-quality learning experience we provide, with 98% of learners finding our clinical courses enabled their professional development.
This course offers and introduction to continence care and is suitable for healthcare workers across health and social care settings.
This course offers an introduction to dementia and is suitable for healthcare workers in any care setting who will be supporting people suffering from dementia.
This course enables learners to be able to record a 12-lead ECG and interpret what a normal ECG recording looks like.
This course will equip your staff with the theory and practical skills for competency sign-off in taking venous blood samples from the arm.
This course offers and introduction to wound management and is suitable for healthcare workers in any care setting treating people needing wound care.
This half-day workshop is suitable for healthcare workers responsible for monitoring the fluid balance of their patients.
The majority of pressure ulcers are preventable. This course looks at the reasons why pressure ulcers develop and how they can be prevented.
This course offers learners the opportunity to explore the signs and symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration and to explore some practical solutions to help prevent this occurring.
There are many reasons why patients and clients may become malnourished or dehydrated, many of which are preventable. This course is suitable for healthcare workers in secondary care, nursing homes, mental health settings, and those who are visiting patients and clients in their own homes.
Our modules can be combined or acquired as individual units. We will work with you to understand your own policies and processes to tailor our programmes to reflect your organisational context.
Contact our Academy team today for a consultation to discuss your specific education and training needs.
Juliette Cosgrove and Heather Ashcroft, from the NHSP Academy, explore why effective clinical supervision is crucial for professional development, workforce wellbeing and patient care.