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Our Services NHS Professionals Academy Clinical Courses

Clinical Courses

Our clinical courses provide the skills and knowledge to enable your staff to deliver patient care. Supporting health and social care providers, our courses cover a diverse range of topics, including Clinical Supervision, Wound Management, Dementia, ECG and more.

We’re proud of the high-quality learning experience we provide, with 98% of learners finding our clinical courses enabled their professional development.

Benefits of our clinical courses

  • Delivered by expert clinical educators
  • Interactive and engaging learning
  • Excellent learning experience, with positive feedback from participants
  • Greater levels of learning from clinical scenarios
  • Supports CQC regulated service providers, where staff must receive appropriate training


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This course offers and introduction to continence care and is suitable for healthcare workers across health and social care settings.

Learning outcomes:

  • Promotion of continence for patients and those in care home settings
  • Identify the causes of incontinence including social, physical, and medical conditions
  • Understanding fluid balance and its role in continence care
  • To describe the management of incontinence once the cause has been established

Course content:

  • Defining continence and incontinence
  • Understanding why people become incontinent
  • Diagnosis and treatment – cause dependent
  • Holistic assessment and care planning for the incontinent patient
  • The use of urinary aids

This course offers an introduction to dementia and is suitable for healthcare workers in any care setting who will be supporting people suffering from dementia.

Learning outcomes:

  • To define dementia and the different types of dementia
  • To clarify the signs and symptoms of dementia and how the disease progresses
  • To understand how dementia is diagnosed
  • To introduce the care needs of a person with dementia and their family

Course content:

  • Definition of dementia
  • The different types of dementia
  • How dementia is diagnosed
  • The progression of the disease
  • Caring for a person with dementia with a focus on independent living
  • Understanding the needs of the family and carers of those with dementia

This course enables learners to be able to record a 12-lead ECG and interpret what a normal ECG recording looks like.

Learning outcomes:

  • To recognise the normal anatomy and physiology of the heart
  • To understand the principles of ECG monitoring
  • To be able to undertake a 12-lead ECG
  • To recognise a normal ECG recording

Course content:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the heart
  • Undertaking a 12-lead ECG recording theory and practical session
  • Recognising a normal ECG reading
  • Introduction to some common causes of abnormal ECG readings

This course will equip your staff with the theory and practical skills for competency sign-off in taking venous blood samples from the arm.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the normal anatomy and physiology of the veins of the arm
  • To understand the principles of safe venepuncture procedure and understand the risks associated with an invasive procedure
  • To safely perform venepuncture

Course content:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the arm
  • Informed consent
  • Health and safety procedures and risk assessment
  • Undertaking the correct procedure, including use and disposal of equipment, choosing the right vein and maintaining patient safety

This course offers and introduction to wound management and is suitable for healthcare workers in any care setting treating people needing wound care.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • To introduce wound assessment and wound classification
  • To understand the healing process of the skin
  • Removal of skin closures – theory and practice

Course content:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the skin and how it heals
  • Wound classification and assessment techniques
  • Wound management, including an understanding of different dressing properties
  • Aseptic Technique (ANTT) and infection prevention and control
  • Gaining consent
  • Pain management

This half-day workshop is suitable for healthcare workers responsible for monitoring the fluid balance of their patients.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the principles of fluid balance and the importance of accurate fluid measurement
  • To understand the common causes of dehydration or overhydration and the implications of each
  • To develop competence and confidence in the completion of fluid balance charts
  • To identify the role of the healthcare worker in the accurate measurement of fluid input and output

Course content:

  • Common causes of dehydration and overhydration
  • Signs and symptoms of dehydration and overhydration
  • Complications of dehydration or overhydration
  • Using a fluid balance chart accurately

The majority of pressure ulcers are preventable. This course looks at the reasons why pressure ulcers develop and how they can be prevented.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the anatomy of the skin and how pressure ulcers develop
  • To understand the predisposing factors that contribute to pressure ulcer development
  • To understand the use of the Braden Scale in assessment of risk of pressure ulcer
  • To identify the role of the healthcare worker in the prevention of pressure ulcers

Course content:

  • Basic anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • Review of contributing factors including, age, mobility, nutritional status, incontinence
  • Using the Braden Scale to assess risk
  • The role of the healthcare worker in preventing and treating pressure ulcers
  • Record keeping and legal considerations when pressure ulcers develop

This course offers learners the opportunity to explore the signs and symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration and to explore some practical solutions to help prevent this occurring.

There are many reasons why patients and clients may become malnourished or dehydrated, many of which are preventable. This course is suitable for healthcare workers in secondary care, nursing homes, mental health settings, and those who are visiting patients and clients in their own homes.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand the principles of good nutrition and hydration
  • To understand the effects of poor nutrition and hydration and spot early symptoms using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (M.U.S.T.)
  • To develop good practices that support healthy nutrition and hydration in health care settings

Course content:

  • Understanding basic nutritional needs
  • The importance of staying hydrated
  • The consequences of becoming malnourished and dehydrated
  • Daily intake requirements for older people
  • Early signs and symptoms of malnourishment and dehydration
  • The role of the healthcare worker to promote healthy eating and drinking
  • Using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool

Our modules can be combined or acquired as individual units. We will work with you to understand your own policies and processes to tailor our programmes to reflect your organisational context.

Get in touch

Contact our Academy team today for a consultation to discuss your specific education and training needs.

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Why Clinical Supervision is essential

Juliette Cosgrove and Heather Ashcroft, from the NHSP Academy, explore why effective clinical supervision is crucial for professional development, workforce wellbeing and patient care.

Read the article